- Eye On The Aberrant
- Nothing is as it seems. Everything you think you believe is probably false. Reality is something we are taught by the society we were born into.
The Great American Oligarchy
When I was in grade school I remember learning American history the way it is depicted in textbooks published in the United States. I heard about our wonderful capitalistic, democratic system of government and wondered why our way of life wasn’t accepted by nations all over the world. It was hard to understand why the Japanese would hate us so much that they would attack our ships at Pearl Harbor, or that we had to send soldiers to fight Communism in Korea and Vietnam. Even while I was studying world history in college, I failed to grasp the significance of the U. S. capitalistic system and why it imposed so much hatred against our nation in the world around us. It was not until I got deeply involved in reporting government as a journalist that I began to understand the error of our ways. Click for Report
When I was in grade school I remember learning American history the way it is depicted in textbooks published in the United States. I heard about our wonderful capitalistic, democratic system of government and wondered why our way of life wasn’t accepted by nations all over the world. It was hard to understand why the Japanese would hate us so much that they would attack our ships at Pearl Harbor, or that we had to send soldiers to fight Communism in Korea and Vietnam. Even while I was studying world history in college, I failed to grasp the significance of the U. S. capitalistic system and why it imposed so much hatred against our nation in the world around us. It was not until I got deeply involved in reporting government as a journalist that I began to understand the error of our ways. Click for Report
Riding Out The Storm
By now there should be no debate about the warming of our planet and its effect on the climate. In spite of warnings by some of the world’s leading scientists, including Stephen Hawking, that we were going to be in big trouble if we didn’t stop the reckless burning of fossil fuels, we chose to ignore the warnings. After all, the issue was in debate. There were always those voices, claiming to be authoritative about the subject, who were awarded lots of time on our television screens to assure us that all was well. There was nothing to worry about. The planet is just going through a normal reciprocal change, they assured us. Nothing bad is going to happen. Life is good. Go on driving those gas guzzling cars, flying those jet aircraft, fighting senseless wars and using coal fired electric generating plants to give us the juice. Click for Information
By now there should be no debate about the warming of our planet and its effect on the climate. In spite of warnings by some of the world’s leading scientists, including Stephen Hawking, that we were going to be in big trouble if we didn’t stop the reckless burning of fossil fuels, we chose to ignore the warnings. After all, the issue was in debate. There were always those voices, claiming to be authoritative about the subject, who were awarded lots of time on our television screens to assure us that all was well. There was nothing to worry about. The planet is just going through a normal reciprocal change, they assured us. Nothing bad is going to happen. Life is good. Go on driving those gas guzzling cars, flying those jet aircraft, fighting senseless wars and using coal fired electric generating plants to give us the juice. Click for Information
Duty Of The Surviving Brother
There was an Old Testament law that protected many widows following the death of their husbands, especially if they were childless. If there was a brother, it was his duty to then take the woman as his wife and do his best to impregnate her. Deuteronomy 25:5 reads: "If brothers dwell together and one of them dies and has no son, the widow of the dead man shall not be married to a stranger outside the family; her husband's brother shall go in to her, take her as his wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her." Click for Story
There was an Old Testament law that protected many widows following the death of their husbands, especially if they were childless. If there was a brother, it was his duty to then take the woman as his wife and do his best to impregnate her. Deuteronomy 25:5 reads: "If brothers dwell together and one of them dies and has no son, the widow of the dead man shall not be married to a stranger outside the family; her husband's brother shall go in to her, take her as his wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her." Click for Story
The Clay Pot
As the strange silent war on a spiritual level intensified, we were living an odd double life. In our physical bodies, we were having a friendly and cheerful relationship with the Begays. Yet on the dark side, the warfare was intensifying. Doris was making constant checks of the energy in our room, the house and grounds around us. With the help of some of the occult books we acquired before leaving Michigan, Doris began experimenting with her own "magick," drawing invisible circles and pentagrams, and doing incantations designed to guard our room and keep harmful energies away. It was one of the strangest times of our lives. Click for Report
As the strange silent war on a spiritual level intensified, we were living an odd double life. In our physical bodies, we were having a friendly and cheerful relationship with the Begays. Yet on the dark side, the warfare was intensifying. Doris was making constant checks of the energy in our room, the house and grounds around us. With the help of some of the occult books we acquired before leaving Michigan, Doris began experimenting with her own "magick," drawing invisible circles and pentagrams, and doing incantations designed to guard our room and keep harmful energies away. It was one of the strangest times of our lives. Click for Report
Do We Dare Try To Stop Climate Change?
After years of ignoring what Al Gore deemed “an inconvenient truth” about climate change, and now that the Earth is plunging into what some scientists fear may be runaway global warming, researchers are now looking at their last option; artificial cooling. Some people believe the crisscrossing chemtrails seen almost daily in the high stratosphere are a sign that someone . . . possibly our military . . . is already busy trying to divert direct sunlight from cooking the carbon dioxide and methane gasses already mixed in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is believed that tiny particles of aluminum, barium and other light metals are fluttering around up there, reflecting solar energy and slowing the warming. Click for Story
After years of ignoring what Al Gore deemed “an inconvenient truth” about climate change, and now that the Earth is plunging into what some scientists fear may be runaway global warming, researchers are now looking at their last option; artificial cooling. Some people believe the crisscrossing chemtrails seen almost daily in the high stratosphere are a sign that someone . . . possibly our military . . . is already busy trying to divert direct sunlight from cooking the carbon dioxide and methane gasses already mixed in the Earth’s atmosphere. It is believed that tiny particles of aluminum, barium and other light metals are fluttering around up there, reflecting solar energy and slowing the warming. Click for Story
World At A Crossroad Which Path Will We Take?
Unless we are buried under the stupor of beer, televised athletic events and the crass brainwashing effects of that idiotic barrage of network programming, most of us are keenly aware that the world is rushing toward an event of major significance. The world economy is collapsing, people are out of work, losing their homes, hungry and in the streets in protest, the nation is involved in what appears to be endless warfare, we are living in an overpopulated world, running out of natural resources and up to our necks in filth and pollution of our own making. The old worn-out religious cults are looking for a god-savior to fix this mess, scientists are struggling for solutions that include a possible escape to other worlds, and a growing number of folks are resorting to various forms of suicide. Click for Story
Unless we are buried under the stupor of beer, televised athletic events and the crass brainwashing effects of that idiotic barrage of network programming, most of us are keenly aware that the world is rushing toward an event of major significance. The world economy is collapsing, people are out of work, losing their homes, hungry and in the streets in protest, the nation is involved in what appears to be endless warfare, we are living in an overpopulated world, running out of natural resources and up to our necks in filth and pollution of our own making. The old worn-out religious cults are looking for a god-savior to fix this mess, scientists are struggling for solutions that include a possible escape to other worlds, and a growing number of folks are resorting to various forms of suicide. Click for Story
Plastic Nightmare In World Seas
Plastic rubbish that has found its way into the oceans of the world is threatening to destroy the living creatures in the sea, the seabirds that feed on them, and is affecting the health of all land animals that eat the fish and sea creatures. It is a slow ongoing nightmare that has spread around the world. Modern civilization is facing many different extinction threats and the plastics issue is clearly among them. Not only does it involve large pieces of plastic bottles, drinking containers, bags and food wrappers, but the plastic has now broken down into particles so tiny they float around, mixed with the water. It is the minute pieces of plastic that are being consumed by the fish and the seabirds. And it is killing them. CLICK HERE FOR MORE
Plastic rubbish that has found its way into the oceans of the world is threatening to destroy the living creatures in the sea, the seabirds that feed on them, and is affecting the health of all land animals that eat the fish and sea creatures. It is a slow ongoing nightmare that has spread around the world. Modern civilization is facing many different extinction threats and the plastics issue is clearly among them. Not only does it involve large pieces of plastic bottles, drinking containers, bags and food wrappers, but the plastic has now broken down into particles so tiny they float around, mixed with the water. It is the minute pieces of plastic that are being consumed by the fish and the seabirds. And it is killing them. CLICK HERE FOR MORE
The Human Perception of Reality
In the third book of his Cosmic Trigger trilogy, author Robert Anton Wilson took a unique look at the concept of human conditioned "tunnel reality" by bringing his readers into a dark room filled with people looking at a television screen. It is a brilliant way of explaining the way we are brainwashed by society to view our world. In Wilson's story, the people in the dark room regard what they view on their television screen as the real universe. The characters watch a daily kaleidoscope of images, ideas and impressions. They see and hear political campaigns, news presentations, evangelistic preaching, situation comedies, soap operas, dramas and even go on educational tours of the planet. READ MORE
In the third book of his Cosmic Trigger trilogy, author Robert Anton Wilson took a unique look at the concept of human conditioned "tunnel reality" by bringing his readers into a dark room filled with people looking at a television screen. It is a brilliant way of explaining the way we are brainwashed by society to view our world. In Wilson's story, the people in the dark room regard what they view on their television screen as the real universe. The characters watch a daily kaleidoscope of images, ideas and impressions. They see and hear political campaigns, news presentations, evangelistic preaching, situation comedies, soap operas, dramas and even go on educational tours of the planet. READ MORE
The Danger In Believing The End Is Near
The Christian Church has been teaching an “end of times” theme for the 2,000 years it has been in existence. That the Mayan Calendar stops abruptly at the winter equinox in December, 2012, was once considered a specific date for this doomsday event to occur. More and more theologians and now even some scientists are suggesting that we are racing for extinction. Is it true? Can we avoid such a dark and catastrophic event? Of course we can. But it will take a collective mindset all over the world to make it happen. READ STORY
The Christian Church has been teaching an “end of times” theme for the 2,000 years it has been in existence. That the Mayan Calendar stops abruptly at the winter equinox in December, 2012, was once considered a specific date for this doomsday event to occur. More and more theologians and now even some scientists are suggesting that we are racing for extinction. Is it true? Can we avoid such a dark and catastrophic event? Of course we can. But it will take a collective mindset all over the world to make it happen. READ STORY
Marijuana – Good For The Brain
After years of warnings about the dangers of marijuana, it may be hard for some people to believe that new scientific studies show that cannabis consumption appears to be good for the human brain. Newly published studies claim it cures depression, is an effective treatment for veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and it even helps protect the brain from permanent alcohol-induced damage. The more we study this amazing plant the more we realize that cannabis appears to be a gift to humanity from The Mother Earth. It offers amazing healing potential while making its users feel good; they experience an enjoyable mental buzz. Marijuana is classified as an illegal substance because of that sensation that users call “feeling stoned.” READ MORE
After years of warnings about the dangers of marijuana, it may be hard for some people to believe that new scientific studies show that cannabis consumption appears to be good for the human brain. Newly published studies claim it cures depression, is an effective treatment for veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and it even helps protect the brain from permanent alcohol-induced damage. The more we study this amazing plant the more we realize that cannabis appears to be a gift to humanity from The Mother Earth. It offers amazing healing potential while making its users feel good; they experience an enjoyable mental buzz. Marijuana is classified as an illegal substance because of that sensation that users call “feeling stoned.” READ MORE
Lets Get Rid Of Planned Obsolescence
While few of us alive today can remember it, there was a time when people took great pride in the work they did. Swiss watches were known to be among the finest time pieces in the world. The Cadillac was recognized as among the finest cars manufactured in the United States. Navajo hand-crafted wool blankets are still highly regarded as among the finest to be found anywhere. That way of thinking is quickly disappearing. Today we live in a world of planned obsolescence. The things we purchase . . . even our homes . . . are designed to last a few years before they fall apart. The idea is that when things break and are unfixable, we rush off to the store and buy a replacement. The original object is tossed away like a useless piece of trash. CLICK FOR REPORT
While few of us alive today can remember it, there was a time when people took great pride in the work they did. Swiss watches were known to be among the finest time pieces in the world. The Cadillac was recognized as among the finest cars manufactured in the United States. Navajo hand-crafted wool blankets are still highly regarded as among the finest to be found anywhere. That way of thinking is quickly disappearing. Today we live in a world of planned obsolescence. The things we purchase . . . even our homes . . . are designed to last a few years before they fall apart. The idea is that when things break and are unfixable, we rush off to the store and buy a replacement. The original object is tossed away like a useless piece of trash. CLICK FOR REPORT
Why We Aren't Using Safe Thorium Nuclear Energy
Back when nuclear researchers were learning how to capture and utilize the newly discovered source of energy developed for the first atomic bombs after World War II, there was a much (but unpublished) consternation among scientists over the use of thorium instead of plutonium for use in early energy breeder reactors. They recognized even then that there was extreme danger in working with uranium, the by-product of plutonium used in the manufacture of nuclear energy. But Glenn Seaborg, the man who discovered plutonium, revealed to the Atomic Energy Commission as early as 1968 that a thorium-based reactor had been successfully developed and tested, and would be a much safer way to go in building commercial power plants. Click for Story
Back when nuclear researchers were learning how to capture and utilize the newly discovered source of energy developed for the first atomic bombs after World War II, there was a much (but unpublished) consternation among scientists over the use of thorium instead of plutonium for use in early energy breeder reactors. They recognized even then that there was extreme danger in working with uranium, the by-product of plutonium used in the manufacture of nuclear energy. But Glenn Seaborg, the man who discovered plutonium, revealed to the Atomic Energy Commission as early as 1968 that a thorium-based reactor had been successfully developed and tested, and would be a much safer way to go in building commercial power plants. Click for Story
Why Humans Must Be Governed
America is on a very slippery slope, skidding its way behind a corporate controlled leadership that has no respect for our dying planet and is leading the world right into a financial, ecological and social disaster. What has happened here seems to have proven that a democratic form of government is a failure. But then, the founding fathers never intended America to be a democracy. They probably knew that such a monster would fail so they carefully established what was supposed to be a republic, based on a very successful government system that kept the Roman Empire going for well over a thousand years. But while we adhere to the republic form of government; that is electing representatives to speak on our behalf in the House and Senate, the complete package never really got off the ground. Americans slipped into thinking of ourselves as a democracy. Click for More
America is on a very slippery slope, skidding its way behind a corporate controlled leadership that has no respect for our dying planet and is leading the world right into a financial, ecological and social disaster. What has happened here seems to have proven that a democratic form of government is a failure. But then, the founding fathers never intended America to be a democracy. They probably knew that such a monster would fail so they carefully established what was supposed to be a republic, based on a very successful government system that kept the Roman Empire going for well over a thousand years. But while we adhere to the republic form of government; that is electing representatives to speak on our behalf in the House and Senate, the complete package never really got off the ground. Americans slipped into thinking of ourselves as a democracy. Click for More

Humans Are Their Own Worst Enemy
A friend recently e-mailed the following. The little story line, while funny, also points to a flaw that is taking us down the deadly road we have been traveling for far too long:
"In the beginning God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so man and woman would live long and healthy lives. Then using Gods great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerrys and Krispy Kreme. And Satan said, You want chocolate with that? And man said Yea. And woman said, And another one with sprinkles. And they gained 10 pounds.
Read On:
A friend recently e-mailed the following. The little story line, while funny, also points to a flaw that is taking us down the deadly road we have been traveling for far too long:
"In the beginning God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so man and woman would live long and healthy lives. Then using Gods great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerrys and Krispy Kreme. And Satan said, You want chocolate with that? And man said Yea. And woman said, And another one with sprinkles. And they gained 10 pounds.
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Was It Time Travelers Or Alien Visitation?
A strange report issued by an unnamed Australian research group suggests that world religions are based upon myth and legends that point to time travelers that visited humans in the distant past.
The story notes that the founding prophets of the world's various belief systems often referred to a "messenger in a bright light," or oracle, that provided wisdom about the future. This messenger used stones, tablets, wheels or plates to convey the information. The writers suggest that a time traveler equipped with a portable or lap-top computer and CD-Rom disks showing contemporary historical images could have provided the information that launched the great world religions. From Ezekiel's strange vision
A strange report issued by an unnamed Australian research group suggests that world religions are based upon myth and legends that point to time travelers that visited humans in the distant past.
The story notes that the founding prophets of the world's various belief systems often referred to a "messenger in a bright light," or oracle, that provided wisdom about the future. This messenger used stones, tablets, wheels or plates to convey the information. The writers suggest that a time traveler equipped with a portable or lap-top computer and CD-Rom disks showing contemporary historical images could have provided the information that launched the great world religions. From Ezekiel's strange vision
The Horror of the Umibozu
Imagine being a sailor on the high seas and watching as the head of a massive black bulbous monster with large reddish eyes rises up out of the water in front of the ship. It rises higher and higher until it towers over you; a giant dripping behemoth towering many times the size of the ship. And it is looking right at you. Find Out More.
Imagine being a sailor on the high seas and watching as the head of a massive black bulbous monster with large reddish eyes rises up out of the water in front of the ship. It rises higher and higher until it towers over you; a giant dripping behemoth towering many times the size of the ship. And it is looking right at you. Find Out More.
The Abnormal Concept Of Ownership
The great wall of division among humanity has always been wealth. And wealth can be interpreted as ownership. Those with wealth possess land, the society’s monetary supply, and consequently power.
Imagine living in a society where ownership of "things" does not exist. Believe it or not, such social groups really exist on Earth, but usually in primitive tribal settings. But their very existence strongly suggests that property ownership has been an invention resulting from the rise in social structure into collective behavior among larger numbers of people. It has been said that when Europeans first stepped on American soil, the natives were puzzled at the idea of "owning land." Some of the languages lacked words to even describe personal ownership of anything. Read On
The great wall of division among humanity has always been wealth. And wealth can be interpreted as ownership. Those with wealth possess land, the society’s monetary supply, and consequently power.
Imagine living in a society where ownership of "things" does not exist. Believe it or not, such social groups really exist on Earth, but usually in primitive tribal settings. But their very existence strongly suggests that property ownership has been an invention resulting from the rise in social structure into collective behavior among larger numbers of people. It has been said that when Europeans first stepped on American soil, the natives were puzzled at the idea of "owning land." Some of the languages lacked words to even describe personal ownership of anything. Read On
The Amazing Intelligence of Fish
Because they exist in an environment so unlike our own, humans generally consider fish as nothing more than creatures to be caught, scaled and fried for the dinner table. Some people enjoy placing smaller colorful fish in home tanks as instruments of decoration and personal amusement. Some people consider fish as personal pets. It is this latter group that may not be surprised at a finding by Oxford University researcher Cait Newport and her team that a study of archerfish revealed that this breed of fish can clearly distinguish between the human faces peering at them from the other side of the tank. The study, which appeared in a recent issue of Scientific Reports, not only describes the way Newport’s team proved its findings, but suggests that if archerfish can make this distinction, then other fish probably can too. Read More Click Here
Because they exist in an environment so unlike our own, humans generally consider fish as nothing more than creatures to be caught, scaled and fried for the dinner table. Some people enjoy placing smaller colorful fish in home tanks as instruments of decoration and personal amusement. Some people consider fish as personal pets. It is this latter group that may not be surprised at a finding by Oxford University researcher Cait Newport and her team that a study of archerfish revealed that this breed of fish can clearly distinguish between the human faces peering at them from the other side of the tank. The study, which appeared in a recent issue of Scientific Reports, not only describes the way Newport’s team proved its findings, but suggests that if archerfish can make this distinction, then other fish probably can too. Read More Click Here
Huge Stone Balls In Costa Rica
While they are included among the great world mysteries, I have refrained from writing about the large round stone balls discovered in the jungles of Costa Rica. That is largely because there is nothing further known about the balls except that they exist . . . an estimated 300 of them. The perplexing thing about these balls is that they have obviously been carved from solid rock and then moved from their place of origin to various points on the Diquis Delta and on Isla del Cano, an island located on the Pacific side of Costa Rica. Click to Know More
While they are included among the great world mysteries, I have refrained from writing about the large round stone balls discovered in the jungles of Costa Rica. That is largely because there is nothing further known about the balls except that they exist . . . an estimated 300 of them. The perplexing thing about these balls is that they have obviously been carved from solid rock and then moved from their place of origin to various points on the Diquis Delta and on Isla del Cano, an island located on the Pacific side of Costa Rica. Click to Know More
Ancient Underground Tunnels
Over the years I have read various books written by explorers and archaeologists who claim to have found entrances to what appeared to be endless man-made caverns leading deep into the earth. I think it was Erich von Daniken’s controversial book The Gold of the Gods that first triggered my interest in these secret and mysterious tunnels, which appear to be located mostly in South America.
While I no longer possess The Gold of the Gods in my personal library, I clearly remember von Daniken’s description of an exploratory trip through miles of mysterious clean-cut passageways, using only a flashlight to find his way. Click for Text
Over the years I have read various books written by explorers and archaeologists who claim to have found entrances to what appeared to be endless man-made caverns leading deep into the earth. I think it was Erich von Daniken’s controversial book The Gold of the Gods that first triggered my interest in these secret and mysterious tunnels, which appear to be located mostly in South America.
While I no longer possess The Gold of the Gods in my personal library, I clearly remember von Daniken’s description of an exploratory trip through miles of mysterious clean-cut passageways, using only a flashlight to find his way. Click for Text
Mystery Stone Head Of Guatemala
It was sometime around 1950 that a landowner in the jungles of Guatemala discovered a gigantic carved stone head on his property and took a picture of it. The photograph eventually found its way to the office of Dr. Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, a philosopher and lawyer, who published it with a short article in a newsletter that got into the hands of famed explorer and writer David Childress. Childress noted the oddities about the image of the stone head. Unlike the native pre-Hispanic people living in that area, this head had Caucasian features, with thin lips, a large nose, and a face that was turned up toward the sky. It suggested that an earlier Caucasian civilization or perhaps a visitation by Caucasian explorers from the old world may have stirred an ancient craftsman to chisel out such a face in that remote jungle part of the world. get details click here
It was sometime around 1950 that a landowner in the jungles of Guatemala discovered a gigantic carved stone head on his property and took a picture of it. The photograph eventually found its way to the office of Dr. Oscar Rafael Padilla Lara, a philosopher and lawyer, who published it with a short article in a newsletter that got into the hands of famed explorer and writer David Childress. Childress noted the oddities about the image of the stone head. Unlike the native pre-Hispanic people living in that area, this head had Caucasian features, with thin lips, a large nose, and a face that was turned up toward the sky. It suggested that an earlier Caucasian civilization or perhaps a visitation by Caucasian explorers from the old world may have stirred an ancient craftsman to chisel out such a face in that remote jungle part of the world. get details click here
The Significance Of The Pyramids On Earth
“Just my vengeance complete, The man sprang to his feet, Stood erect, caught at God’s skirts, and prayed! So, I was afraid!” –Robert Browning
The Mer-Ka-Ba’s basic structure is the pyramid. If the story is true that Martians were here on Atlantis and attempting to reconstruct the great time machine that they once had on Mars might explain why this planet has gone so far astray. As the story is told, these aliens were attempting to use this machine to gain supreme power over the Earth. Their efforts may account for the massive stone pyramids and structures with pyramid shapes that are found in ancient rock formations all over the planet. Click to read more.
“Just my vengeance complete, The man sprang to his feet, Stood erect, caught at God’s skirts, and prayed! So, I was afraid!” –Robert Browning
The Mer-Ka-Ba’s basic structure is the pyramid. If the story is true that Martians were here on Atlantis and attempting to reconstruct the great time machine that they once had on Mars might explain why this planet has gone so far astray. As the story is told, these aliens were attempting to use this machine to gain supreme power over the Earth. Their efforts may account for the massive stone pyramids and structures with pyramid shapes that are found in ancient rock formations all over the planet. Click to read more.

World History As Revealed From Beyond The Veil
“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.. . And she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened.” Genesis 3:4-7
Before exploring the Mer-Ka-Ba and its impact on the Martians and later the human race, we will take an interesting look into a study of what some believe might have been the very ancient history of mankind on this planet. Drunvalo Melchizedek, an author and spiritual teacher living in Sedona, Arizona, claims that he has been in communication with two angels who have given him visions and an understanding of what happened on Earth in the distant past. Click for Report
“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die, for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.. . And she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened.” Genesis 3:4-7
Before exploring the Mer-Ka-Ba and its impact on the Martians and later the human race, we will take an interesting look into a study of what some believe might have been the very ancient history of mankind on this planet. Drunvalo Melchizedek, an author and spiritual teacher living in Sedona, Arizona, claims that he has been in communication with two angels who have given him visions and an understanding of what happened on Earth in the distant past. Click for Report
A Martian Invasion Of Atlantis
“And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.” Ezekiel 1:14
Humans have always held a fascination for Mars and the possibility that life may have once existed there. When I was a young man with his nose constantly in a book, one of the readings I best remember was Ray Bradbury’s strange science fiction work, The Martian Chronicles. It was a series of short stories, all with the same theme . . . the last Martians living on a dying planet. H. G. Well’s War of the Worlds, published in 1897, told of an invasion of Earth by Martians in giant machines. The story appeared in Hollywood films and a classic radio spoof hosted by Orson Wells that frightened a lot of Americans. Could such a story have been true? Click for Report
“And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning. Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.” Ezekiel 1:14
Humans have always held a fascination for Mars and the possibility that life may have once existed there. When I was a young man with his nose constantly in a book, one of the readings I best remember was Ray Bradbury’s strange science fiction work, The Martian Chronicles. It was a series of short stories, all with the same theme . . . the last Martians living on a dying planet. H. G. Well’s War of the Worlds, published in 1897, told of an invasion of Earth by Martians in giant machines. The story appeared in Hollywood films and a classic radio spoof hosted by Orson Wells that frightened a lot of Americans. Could such a story have been true? Click for Report
Ancient Irish Scottish Roots In North America
As a young reporter working for a newspaper in Southwestern Michigan, I once met an elderly self-taught archaeologist who had an intriguing story. He had devoted his life to studying and collecting information about the numerous earthen mounds, fortresses and “garden beds” known to have existed throughout the Midwest before the land was destroyed by farming, roads and concrete jungles created by “civilization” as we know it. I spent some wonderful hours with this man hiking the woodlands and visiting the last remaining earthworks left by what was identified as a Hopewellian culture that existed prior to the Native American tribes that met European settlers. Click Here for More
As a young reporter working for a newspaper in Southwestern Michigan, I once met an elderly self-taught archaeologist who had an intriguing story. He had devoted his life to studying and collecting information about the numerous earthen mounds, fortresses and “garden beds” known to have existed throughout the Midwest before the land was destroyed by farming, roads and concrete jungles created by “civilization” as we know it. I spent some wonderful hours with this man hiking the woodlands and visiting the last remaining earthworks left by what was identified as a Hopewellian culture that existed prior to the Native American tribes that met European settlers. Click Here for More
The Mythology Of Ancient Civilizations
“You do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.” From Plato’s Timaeus
There has been an intense interest throughout the world in the mythological stories of lost continents and lost cities from an ancient time long lost in the dust of time. That may be because there is a recollection of these places still locked in the cellular memory of every one of us. We are fascinated by every reference to the stories because they stir memories of a period when humanity lived in harmony and love. We all possessed a psychic ability to communicate telepathically, understand the world around us and the power within via our third eye, and travel the universe by simply leaving the body at will. Click to Go Deeper
“You do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.” From Plato’s Timaeus
There has been an intense interest throughout the world in the mythological stories of lost continents and lost cities from an ancient time long lost in the dust of time. That may be because there is a recollection of these places still locked in the cellular memory of every one of us. We are fascinated by every reference to the stories because they stir memories of a period when humanity lived in harmony and love. We all possessed a psychic ability to communicate telepathically, understand the world around us and the power within via our third eye, and travel the universe by simply leaving the body at will. Click to Go Deeper
Is An Alien Race Controlling Our World?
“The whole world is suffering with unhappy souls, the French hate the Germans and the Germans hate the Poles. The Poles hate the Yugoslav’s, the Yugoslav’s hate the Dutch. And I don’t like anybody very much.” –Kingston Trio
This will be the first of a series of articles in which we lay out a hypothesis suggesting that humans have been not only manipulated but possessed by an alien race of beings, perhaps for as long as there has been recorded history. There has always been racial, religious and political bigotry in the world, but rarely has it been as severe as it appears today. And during an age when new technologies have opened communications with people everywhere, and high speed travel makes it possible for world leaders to have regular face-to-face dialogue, such polarization doesn’t seem to make sense. Click for Report
“The whole world is suffering with unhappy souls, the French hate the Germans and the Germans hate the Poles. The Poles hate the Yugoslav’s, the Yugoslav’s hate the Dutch. And I don’t like anybody very much.” –Kingston Trio
This will be the first of a series of articles in which we lay out a hypothesis suggesting that humans have been not only manipulated but possessed by an alien race of beings, perhaps for as long as there has been recorded history. There has always been racial, religious and political bigotry in the world, but rarely has it been as severe as it appears today. And during an age when new technologies have opened communications with people everywhere, and high speed travel makes it possible for world leaders to have regular face-to-face dialogue, such polarization doesn’t seem to make sense. Click for Report
The Vapor Canopy Over The Garden
“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament . . .” Gen. 1:6-7
Bible scholars tend to think of the Garden of Eden as a specific place on Earth. This is because the Genesis story says God cast both Adam and Eve out of the garden as punishment for sin, and that angelic beings were stationed as guards at the gate so no one could enter the place again. The mythology is a bit twisted. The garden was the entire Earth as it was in its perfect setting before humans arrived. Scientists have been in debate over just what that world looked like, but all agree that the garden in its original form was very different than what it is today. The living animals were much larger . . . and the creatures and giant trees existed everywhere . . . even in the arctic tundra and Antarctica. That giant dinosaurs with unusually small lungs could exist on the planet then is a clear indication that the atmosphere was extra rich in oxygen. That the heavy pterosaur, with its stubby body and 11-meter wing span could fly, hints that the atmosphere also was much heavier. Thus has emerged the vapor canopy theory. Click For More
“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament . . .” Gen. 1:6-7
Bible scholars tend to think of the Garden of Eden as a specific place on Earth. This is because the Genesis story says God cast both Adam and Eve out of the garden as punishment for sin, and that angelic beings were stationed as guards at the gate so no one could enter the place again. The mythology is a bit twisted. The garden was the entire Earth as it was in its perfect setting before humans arrived. Scientists have been in debate over just what that world looked like, but all agree that the garden in its original form was very different than what it is today. The living animals were much larger . . . and the creatures and giant trees existed everywhere . . . even in the arctic tundra and Antarctica. That giant dinosaurs with unusually small lungs could exist on the planet then is a clear indication that the atmosphere was extra rich in oxygen. That the heavy pterosaur, with its stubby body and 11-meter wing span could fly, hints that the atmosphere also was much heavier. Thus has emerged the vapor canopy theory. Click For More
Intelligent Machines For A Dying World
Hans Moravec is a name that may grow in recognition as continued warfare, industrial and human pollution, savaging of natural resources and consequential weather changes plunge the world into looming death throes. Moravec and his colleagues at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University appear to be imagining the trans-humanization of people into machines that can carry on in an environment too extreme to support life as we know it. Other researchers and thinkers like Ray Kurzweil, a computer programmer, inventor and engineer, are on the same track. Kurzweil proposed in his book, The Singularity Is Near, a computer program that will copy a person’s entire brain and then upload it into an improved robotic body. He perceives humans reaching a state where both man and machine become blended into a single unit. The goal includes the elimination of disabilities, suffering, disease, aging and even death. It is emerging today in the scary form of AI, or artificial intelligence. Click for More
Hans Moravec is a name that may grow in recognition as continued warfare, industrial and human pollution, savaging of natural resources and consequential weather changes plunge the world into looming death throes. Moravec and his colleagues at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University appear to be imagining the trans-humanization of people into machines that can carry on in an environment too extreme to support life as we know it. Other researchers and thinkers like Ray Kurzweil, a computer programmer, inventor and engineer, are on the same track. Kurzweil proposed in his book, The Singularity Is Near, a computer program that will copy a person’s entire brain and then upload it into an improved robotic body. He perceives humans reaching a state where both man and machine become blended into a single unit. The goal includes the elimination of disabilities, suffering, disease, aging and even death. It is emerging today in the scary form of AI, or artificial intelligence. Click for More
World Anomalies Don't Fit the Official "Reality" Story
If you think the Dark Ages were limited to the Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries, you may be wrong. It is our contention that they still exist, but in a more subtle contemporary way of thinking. Most people continue to blindly accept the religious, scientific and political information they are spoon fed via a controlled electronic media without questioning what they are told. Our church dominated leadership is actively manipulating the things the common people believe by mixing in just enough "science" and "philosophy" to make us unaware of just how severe the political misinformation has become. This is why people like Glenn Beck, the late Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and other talking media heads are able to get so many followers as they lead people into doing everything wrong for America and the world. For Text Click Here
If you think the Dark Ages were limited to the Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries, you may be wrong. It is our contention that they still exist, but in a more subtle contemporary way of thinking. Most people continue to blindly accept the religious, scientific and political information they are spoon fed via a controlled electronic media without questioning what they are told. Our church dominated leadership is actively manipulating the things the common people believe by mixing in just enough "science" and "philosophy" to make us unaware of just how severe the political misinformation has become. This is why people like Glenn Beck, the late Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and other talking media heads are able to get so many followers as they lead people into doing everything wrong for America and the world. For Text Click Here
Moore: “America Is Not Broke”
Speech delivered by Michael Moore at Wisconsin Capitol in Madison, March 5, 2011
America is not broke. Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich. Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. Click to Read Entire Speech.
Speech delivered by Michael Moore at Wisconsin Capitol in Madison, March 5, 2011
America is not broke. Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you'll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it's not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich. Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. Click to Read Entire Speech.
American Presidents Appear Chosen by Name; Their Fate Set By The Numbers
Before Trump there has been something very spooky about the history of American presidents. It was almost as if the electoral process had no effect. Certain people are destined to be our nation's leaders no matter what. And certain presidents appear cursed to die in office. If you study the names of the men we elected to this high office, there are a lot of them with double letters. Names like Roosevelt, Hoover, Kennedy, "Bill" Clinton and "Jimmy" Carter are quick to pop up. The other winners include Adams (with two "a's" in the name), Dwight D. Eisenhower (two d's and three e's), and Nixon (with two n's). I think you get the picture. Click for Report
Before Trump there has been something very spooky about the history of American presidents. It was almost as if the electoral process had no effect. Certain people are destined to be our nation's leaders no matter what. And certain presidents appear cursed to die in office. If you study the names of the men we elected to this high office, there are a lot of them with double letters. Names like Roosevelt, Hoover, Kennedy, "Bill" Clinton and "Jimmy" Carter are quick to pop up. The other winners include Adams (with two "a's" in the name), Dwight D. Eisenhower (two d's and three e's), and Nixon (with two n's). I think you get the picture. Click for Report
Is Corruption In Washington Beyond Repair?
Today we offer a lesson in political science for those who may have forgotten what they should have learned in high school. Our nation’s founders established three branches of government. They are Administrative, Legislative and Judicial. Written within the Constitution was a system of checks and balances within these three governmental branches designed to assure fairness and equality for everybody. It is no secret that something has gone seriously wrong. Click for Story
Today we offer a lesson in political science for those who may have forgotten what they should have learned in high school. Our nation’s founders established three branches of government. They are Administrative, Legislative and Judicial. Written within the Constitution was a system of checks and balances within these three governmental branches designed to assure fairness and equality for everybody. It is no secret that something has gone seriously wrong. Click for Story
Alien Hunters at lunch:
Are Alien Races Making Contact?
We are all familiar with the strange and unexplained "unidentified flying objects" streaking across our skies. Many of us have personally seen them and wondered if they are not alien craft visiting Earth. But if they are here, why have they not attempted to make contact? Some of the odd stories we have encountered suggest that aliens have, indeed, made contact, and are going so far as to discretely announce both their presence and their concern for the human race as they watch us plunge into the chaos of potential self-destruction. Click for Report
We are all familiar with the strange and unexplained "unidentified flying objects" streaking across our skies. Many of us have personally seen them and wondered if they are not alien craft visiting Earth. But if they are here, why have they not attempted to make contact? Some of the odd stories we have encountered suggest that aliens have, indeed, made contact, and are going so far as to discretely announce both their presence and their concern for the human race as they watch us plunge into the chaos of potential self-destruction. Click for Report
God plans the creation of humans:
Alien Skulls Under The Vatican
Deep in the catacombs under the Vatican in Italy there exists a lot of secret things, including a vast library filled with some of the most ancient books and written documents in the world. The Vatican library was recently re-opened to religious scholars following an extensive $7.5-euro three-year renovation designed to shore up "dangerous structural weaknesses" discovered in the foundation of the Sixteenth Century building and install new climate-controlled equipment to protect the ancient manuscripts. Also added was a new state-of-the-art security system. It was during the renovation work that workmen, digging deep in the rock under the library, allegedly came upon a long-forgotten gravesite which, if the story is true, obviously shocked the Pope and all of the robed high priests surrounding him. The bones and skulls were humanoid, but clearly non-human in origin. Click for Story
Deep in the catacombs under the Vatican in Italy there exists a lot of secret things, including a vast library filled with some of the most ancient books and written documents in the world. The Vatican library was recently re-opened to religious scholars following an extensive $7.5-euro three-year renovation designed to shore up "dangerous structural weaknesses" discovered in the foundation of the Sixteenth Century building and install new climate-controlled equipment to protect the ancient manuscripts. Also added was a new state-of-the-art security system. It was during the renovation work that workmen, digging deep in the rock under the library, allegedly came upon a long-forgotten gravesite which, if the story is true, obviously shocked the Pope and all of the robed high priests surrounding him. The bones and skulls were humanoid, but clearly non-human in origin. Click for Story
Final Ninth Wave Of The Mayan Calendar
An ominous prophecy and a possible explanation for the extreme world chaos that has been occurring since about 2011, is being explained by astrologers and students of the Mayan calendar. They are joining a chorus of channelers, contemporary prophets and esoteric thinkers who believe the Earth is moving into a new phase of existence and that the change will have a major impact on humanity. Click for Report
Do We Really Know What Happened In The Past?
The controversy not long ago in Texas involving the twisted adulterating of school textbooks by extreme right-wing conservative and Christian thinking members of the State Board of Education is a shining example of the distortion of world history that has been occurring. Then with Trump and his cohorts distorting the news and historical events, and introducing the concept of “fake news,” the distortions have been intensifying. The tearing down of the statues of people of historical significance is just one visible phase of the rewriting of history. Click for Report
The controversy not long ago in Texas involving the twisted adulterating of school textbooks by extreme right-wing conservative and Christian thinking members of the State Board of Education is a shining example of the distortion of world history that has been occurring. Then with Trump and his cohorts distorting the news and historical events, and introducing the concept of “fake news,” the distortions have been intensifying. The tearing down of the statues of people of historical significance is just one visible phase of the rewriting of history. Click for Report
Our Dreams Can Reflect Out-Of-Body Travels And Warnings About Future Events
There is a television series about a woman in Phoenix, Arizona, who dreamed of crimes in her area and assisted the police in solving them. As we understand it, the stories are based on a real-life psychic who actually worked with the police in helping to solve crimes. Readers of this site may have read the personal story of the mystery woman found frozen and unclothed in a snowbank near Lexington, Michigan, when I was working as a crime reporter in that area some years ago. The case so baffled the police that a Detroit area psychic was asked to help in resolving the case. Click for More
There is a television series about a woman in Phoenix, Arizona, who dreamed of crimes in her area and assisted the police in solving them. As we understand it, the stories are based on a real-life psychic who actually worked with the police in helping to solve crimes. Readers of this site may have read the personal story of the mystery woman found frozen and unclothed in a snowbank near Lexington, Michigan, when I was working as a crime reporter in that area some years ago. The case so baffled the police that a Detroit area psychic was asked to help in resolving the case. Click for More