Combustible Town In Sicily
By James Donahue
Fires have been breaking out in homes and buildings throughout the village of Canneto di Caronia, Sicily, since January, 2004, and nobody has determined the cause. The entire town became so dangerous the people were evacuated for several months. Then in the summer of 2014 the phenomenon started again and the people moved out once more.
People say things burst into flame without warning. Mattresses, cars, cell phones, refrigerators, radios, televisions and a variety of household items hit with what seemed like spontaneous combustion, even when the electricity was turned off. One fire broke out at the local water plant. Another burned a bundle of wiring that was unattached to any circuit.
Apparently nobody has been hurt.
The local electric company replaced the town’s wiring service and made improvements along the entire grid serving the community. It did not seem to help.
Authorities have conducted a thorough investigation and they say they find no evidence of arson. Outside investigators have been called upon. Experts from the electric company, universities, environmental agencies and even the military have been in the village and they report no logical or natural cause of the fires.
Because the mystery remains unsolved, various theories have evolved. They range from ghosts and evil spirits, someone that is pyre kinetic and may not realize it, a malicious person using a Tesla-type magnifying transmitter, and even aliens starting the fires from UFOs flying overhead.
One newspaper published a leaked government report that suggested the fires were caused by alien forces. The story said the fires were "caused by high power electromagnetic emissions which were not man-made."
But if the latter were true, why would these aliens target one small village in Sicily and not share the fire phenomenon with everybody else?
By James Donahue
Fires have been breaking out in homes and buildings throughout the village of Canneto di Caronia, Sicily, since January, 2004, and nobody has determined the cause. The entire town became so dangerous the people were evacuated for several months. Then in the summer of 2014 the phenomenon started again and the people moved out once more.
People say things burst into flame without warning. Mattresses, cars, cell phones, refrigerators, radios, televisions and a variety of household items hit with what seemed like spontaneous combustion, even when the electricity was turned off. One fire broke out at the local water plant. Another burned a bundle of wiring that was unattached to any circuit.
Apparently nobody has been hurt.
The local electric company replaced the town’s wiring service and made improvements along the entire grid serving the community. It did not seem to help.
Authorities have conducted a thorough investigation and they say they find no evidence of arson. Outside investigators have been called upon. Experts from the electric company, universities, environmental agencies and even the military have been in the village and they report no logical or natural cause of the fires.
Because the mystery remains unsolved, various theories have evolved. They range from ghosts and evil spirits, someone that is pyre kinetic and may not realize it, a malicious person using a Tesla-type magnifying transmitter, and even aliens starting the fires from UFOs flying overhead.
One newspaper published a leaked government report that suggested the fires were caused by alien forces. The story said the fires were "caused by high power electromagnetic emissions which were not man-made."
But if the latter were true, why would these aliens target one small village in Sicily and not share the fire phenomenon with everybody else?