The Canopy Paradox Resolved?
By James Donahue
Not long ago we published a review of the Vapor Canopy Theory and the strange paradox it created. Since that time I have had occasion to talk with a psychic viewer who had an interesting and plausible solution that I will attempt to explain.
The problem has been the geological and archaeological evidence found all over the earth proving that (a.) there was once a time when forests, vegetation and a wide variety of animals lived at both the northern frozen tundra and under the ice at Antarctica, (b.) large areas of the planet show fossil evidence of being submerged.
A study of the mastodons and other prehistoric creatures found frozen in the muck of the tundra, some with vegetation still in their mouths, has revealed that they were large creatures with relatively small lungs. This fact, plus a study of trapped air bubbles removed from fossilized tree resin and amber formed during that period reveals that the atmosphere was thicker, with 50 percent more oxygen than it contains today.
Consequently there is an understanding why the heavy pterosaur, with its stubby body and 11-meter wing span, could fly. The creature could not exist in today’s atmosphere.
It is obvious that the world went through a radical change between the time of the dinosaurs and now. What was that change? How could it have happened?
A Christian oriented solution suggests that there once existed a thick vapor canopy that hung over the planet acting as a protective barrier. Its existence created a perfect tropical climate that prevented winds and storms. Because of it, the entire world was covered in lush green tropical vegetation.
This story concludes that something caused the vapor canopy to collapse. The water from the canopy flooded the Earth. The events occurred so quickly that the northern and southern poles went into instant deep freeze, killing all of the animals in their tracks.
The flaw in this theory, however, is that a canopy of vapor thick enough to flood the entire planet has been calculated to stretch an estimated 43,000 miles high and be at 100 percent saturation to contain that much water. And if such a canopy existed, it would have made a fog layer so dense it would completely block all sunlight. No vegetation could survive in perpetual darkness.
How do we resolve this problem?
We must agree from the evidence that the original Earth was, indeed, warm enough all over because there were no ice caps. Thus vegetation thrived, as did the many animals, everywhere. There was so much vegetation that the air was thick with the oxygen it generated.
Suppose there were several isolated vapor canopies, but they only covered certain areas of the planet. It was within the thick atmosphere, under the vapor covers, that creatures like the pterosaur evolved and thrived. But they could not live outside the canopy, even then.
There was a major disastrous event that occurred about 80,000 years ago that caused an extinction of a large number of animals, including the dinosaurs. It also caused a sudden cooling of the earth, creating an ice age. The frozen poles remain a remnant of that event even today.
So what was this event?
The evidence of the disaster has been lying right in front of us for thousands of years. It is only recently that a scientific examination of the planet’s surface, including the bottoms of the seas, that we have been taking a close look at it.
The Earth was struck by a number of large asteroids or meteors, probably a cluster of large rocks and ice that strayed through the solar system from out of the Kuiper Belt a string of unexplained space debris located about seven billion kilometers from Earth. Suppose that the explosive power of these strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, the Indian Ocean and Russia filled the atmosphere with so much debris it blocked the sun, cooled the Earth and collapsed the vapor canopies.
Even if the freezing of the northern and southern polar areas didn’t happen overnight, the event probably happened relatively quickly, even within a matter of weeks. Thus the animals still were grazing, eating the vegetation that still was standing when they froze to death.
The entire planet was never completely flooded. The floods were in certain populated areas. Thus the memory of them is related to what happened in individual cultural areas. The story was carried in the DNA of humans who escaped this threat of human extinction at the time of Noah.
Why didn’t the ice caps disappear after the dust, smoke and debris settled to the planet? By this time, the layer of blue ice and snow was reflecting sunlight, not allowing it to reach the rock and soil below it. And without the vapor canopies our planet never heated enough to push the ice and snow any farther north and south than it has been since that event.
Global warming, however, is changing this. With the air now filled with pollutants and noxious gas, the ice is melting. As more and more of the tundra soil is exposed to sunlight, the warming is intensifying. Thus the meltdown of the poles is going on at an alarming rate.
The Earth is in another state of radical change. And once again, there is a looming threat of human extinction.
By James Donahue
Not long ago we published a review of the Vapor Canopy Theory and the strange paradox it created. Since that time I have had occasion to talk with a psychic viewer who had an interesting and plausible solution that I will attempt to explain.
The problem has been the geological and archaeological evidence found all over the earth proving that (a.) there was once a time when forests, vegetation and a wide variety of animals lived at both the northern frozen tundra and under the ice at Antarctica, (b.) large areas of the planet show fossil evidence of being submerged.
A study of the mastodons and other prehistoric creatures found frozen in the muck of the tundra, some with vegetation still in their mouths, has revealed that they were large creatures with relatively small lungs. This fact, plus a study of trapped air bubbles removed from fossilized tree resin and amber formed during that period reveals that the atmosphere was thicker, with 50 percent more oxygen than it contains today.
Consequently there is an understanding why the heavy pterosaur, with its stubby body and 11-meter wing span, could fly. The creature could not exist in today’s atmosphere.
It is obvious that the world went through a radical change between the time of the dinosaurs and now. What was that change? How could it have happened?
A Christian oriented solution suggests that there once existed a thick vapor canopy that hung over the planet acting as a protective barrier. Its existence created a perfect tropical climate that prevented winds and storms. Because of it, the entire world was covered in lush green tropical vegetation.
This story concludes that something caused the vapor canopy to collapse. The water from the canopy flooded the Earth. The events occurred so quickly that the northern and southern poles went into instant deep freeze, killing all of the animals in their tracks.
The flaw in this theory, however, is that a canopy of vapor thick enough to flood the entire planet has been calculated to stretch an estimated 43,000 miles high and be at 100 percent saturation to contain that much water. And if such a canopy existed, it would have made a fog layer so dense it would completely block all sunlight. No vegetation could survive in perpetual darkness.
How do we resolve this problem?
We must agree from the evidence that the original Earth was, indeed, warm enough all over because there were no ice caps. Thus vegetation thrived, as did the many animals, everywhere. There was so much vegetation that the air was thick with the oxygen it generated.
Suppose there were several isolated vapor canopies, but they only covered certain areas of the planet. It was within the thick atmosphere, under the vapor covers, that creatures like the pterosaur evolved and thrived. But they could not live outside the canopy, even then.
There was a major disastrous event that occurred about 80,000 years ago that caused an extinction of a large number of animals, including the dinosaurs. It also caused a sudden cooling of the earth, creating an ice age. The frozen poles remain a remnant of that event even today.
So what was this event?
The evidence of the disaster has been lying right in front of us for thousands of years. It is only recently that a scientific examination of the planet’s surface, including the bottoms of the seas, that we have been taking a close look at it.
The Earth was struck by a number of large asteroids or meteors, probably a cluster of large rocks and ice that strayed through the solar system from out of the Kuiper Belt a string of unexplained space debris located about seven billion kilometers from Earth. Suppose that the explosive power of these strikes in the Gulf of Mexico, the Indian Ocean and Russia filled the atmosphere with so much debris it blocked the sun, cooled the Earth and collapsed the vapor canopies.
Even if the freezing of the northern and southern polar areas didn’t happen overnight, the event probably happened relatively quickly, even within a matter of weeks. Thus the animals still were grazing, eating the vegetation that still was standing when they froze to death.
The entire planet was never completely flooded. The floods were in certain populated areas. Thus the memory of them is related to what happened in individual cultural areas. The story was carried in the DNA of humans who escaped this threat of human extinction at the time of Noah.
Why didn’t the ice caps disappear after the dust, smoke and debris settled to the planet? By this time, the layer of blue ice and snow was reflecting sunlight, not allowing it to reach the rock and soil below it. And without the vapor canopies our planet never heated enough to push the ice and snow any farther north and south than it has been since that event.
Global warming, however, is changing this. With the air now filled with pollutants and noxious gas, the ice is melting. As more and more of the tundra soil is exposed to sunlight, the warming is intensifying. Thus the meltdown of the poles is going on at an alarming rate.
The Earth is in another state of radical change. And once again, there is a looming threat of human extinction.