Do Deadly Virus Pandemics Originate From Space?
By James Donahue
About ten years ago a Roman Catholic nun in Italy published a research paper that suggests influenza and other viral diseases originate from space and that the H1N1 virus might have been the beginning of what she titled the Death Star Pandemic of 2009-2012: End of Age Begins.
Fortunately that particular virus did not fulfill that catastrophic prediction, but the theory remains something to fear for reasons explained here.
In her work, Sister Maria Elena Bianchessi draws on theories presented by Dr. Fred Hoyle and Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, both known for their belief that influenza outbreaks are caused by newly arriving viruses from space. Holt, who expounded the theory of Stellar Nucleosynthesis, went so far as to theorize that all life on earth came from space.
Sister Bianchessi argued in her document that the influenza virus originates from a great “Death Star” identified in the Book of the Revelation as Wormwood. She suggested that the great pandemic that was just then coming among mankind was the terrible event described in Revelation 8:10-11:
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the foundations of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”
Sister Bianchessi also drew from writings by the late Pope Benedict XIV (1675-1758), entitled “Institutiones Ecclesiasticae,” that states the Old English word “Wormwood” was substituted in the Bible for the more ancient word “Apsinthion,” a bitter green liquor known even today as Absinthe. This word’s origins, she said, “stretch back into the mists of time, lore, myth and fable to an Earth preparing an end to its own age and seeking to warn our world today of what is to come and what is to be.”
Even more interesting is the origin of the word “influenza.” Sister Bianchessi said the name was drawn in 1743 from an Italian word that meant “influence. . . Influenza and having the meaning of ‘Streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men.’”
A virus by definition is a sub-microscopic infectious agent made up of strands of both DNA and RNA. While it can affect the health of every living organism on Earth, a virus by its very nature cannot reproduce by itself. It must enter a living cell and mix with the DNA of that cell and then move from place to place through natural cell duplication. But the new cells produced contain the toxic DNA created by the virus.
A virus can spread from mother to child, from person to person, from fecal contamination of food, exchanges of saliva, sneezing or they can be carried by biting insects. It always involves an exchange of contaminated cells.
Some researchers question if a virus, by pure definition, can even be considered a life form. They say it is really classified as a parasite.
The very name, “virus,” is a Latin word that means toxin or poison.”
The origin of viruses has been a scientific puzzle since the microscopic parasite was first discovered to exist. Virologist Ed Rybicki, at the University of Capetown, South Africa, wrote that tracing the origins of viruses is almost impossible “because they don’t leave fossils and because of the tricks they use to make copies of themselves within the cells they’ve invaded.”
Rybicki noted that “some viruses even have the ability to stitch their own genes into those of the cells they infect, which means studying their ancestry requires untangling it from the history of their hosts and other organisms.
“What makes this process even more complicated is that viruses don’t just infect humans; they can infect basically any organism – from bacteria to horses, seaweed to people.”
This is why battling new viruses that appear, and the process of attempting to develop effective vaccines to ward them off, has been so difficult. That viruses also are known to quickly evolve as they move from host to host adds an even more complex challenge to medical science.
So what support does Sister Bianchessi and Pope Benedict have for their theory that great world influenza pandemics have originated from the stars? They note that the world’s first recorded instance of a global influenza pandemic started in Italy in 1743 and spread throughout Europe, then crossed the Atlantic to America. That influenza virus, coupled with the smallpox virus, led to the mass deaths among the native Americans then living on the American continent.
Both Hoyle and Wickramasinghe linked severe influenza outbreaks with peaks in the eleven-year cycle of sunspot activity. They noted that the very worst pandemics coincided with peaks of sunspot activity during the Solar Minimums. Sister Bianchessi thus is predicting a mass world dying from pandemic because we have been through the worst solar sunspot activity during a Solar Minimum in recorded human history.
She notes that this event was “much worse than the Solar Minimum which preceded the catastrophic 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic.”
By James Donahue
About ten years ago a Roman Catholic nun in Italy published a research paper that suggests influenza and other viral diseases originate from space and that the H1N1 virus might have been the beginning of what she titled the Death Star Pandemic of 2009-2012: End of Age Begins.
Fortunately that particular virus did not fulfill that catastrophic prediction, but the theory remains something to fear for reasons explained here.
In her work, Sister Maria Elena Bianchessi draws on theories presented by Dr. Fred Hoyle and Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe, both known for their belief that influenza outbreaks are caused by newly arriving viruses from space. Holt, who expounded the theory of Stellar Nucleosynthesis, went so far as to theorize that all life on earth came from space.
Sister Bianchessi argued in her document that the influenza virus originates from a great “Death Star” identified in the Book of the Revelation as Wormwood. She suggested that the great pandemic that was just then coming among mankind was the terrible event described in Revelation 8:10-11:
“And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the foundations of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.”
Sister Bianchessi also drew from writings by the late Pope Benedict XIV (1675-1758), entitled “Institutiones Ecclesiasticae,” that states the Old English word “Wormwood” was substituted in the Bible for the more ancient word “Apsinthion,” a bitter green liquor known even today as Absinthe. This word’s origins, she said, “stretch back into the mists of time, lore, myth and fable to an Earth preparing an end to its own age and seeking to warn our world today of what is to come and what is to be.”
Even more interesting is the origin of the word “influenza.” Sister Bianchessi said the name was drawn in 1743 from an Italian word that meant “influence. . . Influenza and having the meaning of ‘Streaming ethereal power from the stars acting upon character or destiny of men.’”
A virus by definition is a sub-microscopic infectious agent made up of strands of both DNA and RNA. While it can affect the health of every living organism on Earth, a virus by its very nature cannot reproduce by itself. It must enter a living cell and mix with the DNA of that cell and then move from place to place through natural cell duplication. But the new cells produced contain the toxic DNA created by the virus.
A virus can spread from mother to child, from person to person, from fecal contamination of food, exchanges of saliva, sneezing or they can be carried by biting insects. It always involves an exchange of contaminated cells.
Some researchers question if a virus, by pure definition, can even be considered a life form. They say it is really classified as a parasite.
The very name, “virus,” is a Latin word that means toxin or poison.”
The origin of viruses has been a scientific puzzle since the microscopic parasite was first discovered to exist. Virologist Ed Rybicki, at the University of Capetown, South Africa, wrote that tracing the origins of viruses is almost impossible “because they don’t leave fossils and because of the tricks they use to make copies of themselves within the cells they’ve invaded.”
Rybicki noted that “some viruses even have the ability to stitch their own genes into those of the cells they infect, which means studying their ancestry requires untangling it from the history of their hosts and other organisms.
“What makes this process even more complicated is that viruses don’t just infect humans; they can infect basically any organism – from bacteria to horses, seaweed to people.”
This is why battling new viruses that appear, and the process of attempting to develop effective vaccines to ward them off, has been so difficult. That viruses also are known to quickly evolve as they move from host to host adds an even more complex challenge to medical science.
So what support does Sister Bianchessi and Pope Benedict have for their theory that great world influenza pandemics have originated from the stars? They note that the world’s first recorded instance of a global influenza pandemic started in Italy in 1743 and spread throughout Europe, then crossed the Atlantic to America. That influenza virus, coupled with the smallpox virus, led to the mass deaths among the native Americans then living on the American continent.
Both Hoyle and Wickramasinghe linked severe influenza outbreaks with peaks in the eleven-year cycle of sunspot activity. They noted that the very worst pandemics coincided with peaks of sunspot activity during the Solar Minimums. Sister Bianchessi thus is predicting a mass world dying from pandemic because we have been through the worst solar sunspot activity during a Solar Minimum in recorded human history.
She notes that this event was “much worse than the Solar Minimum which preceded the catastrophic 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic.”