Was Demon Choronzon Called Into The Iraq War?
By James Donahue
When a World Prayer Team network sent out a call for a world moment of Christian prayer in support of President Bush and the planned war against Iraq, I was shocked at the time set for this event. The prayer was set for 3:00 PM on March 3, 2003. The Christians chose to pray at 3-3-03. My surprise was centered on my knowledge of esoteric matters. We recognized the number 333 as an occult symbol for Choronzon, the dreaded demon of chaos.
Also known as Lord of Hallucinations, Choronzon is probably among the most feared of the demonic spirits. It is a spirit of dissolution. Everything it comes into contact with falls into decay. Living beings age and sicken. The demon is said to create confusion of thought and turn people insane. This may help explain why that war turned into such a nightmare for the United States.
A few years ago, my wife and I lived for a while in Springerville, Arizona. We took an apartment that had an address of 333 on our block. We laughed about moving into Choronzon's pit when we took that apartment. Then, when we got our telephone and discovered that the three-digit area code number also was 333, we began to worry.
Springerville turned out to be a frustrating experience in our lives. Before we left that place, we began to think we were really under the influence of Choronzon. I am happy to say, however, that we eventually escaped.
The question then, was why did someone in the Christian hierarchy choose 333 as a time to launch a world prayer event? While I am not a member of that faith, nor do I prescribe to the precepts to which that bunch prayed for. I felt they were foolishly flirting with disaster.
There is a chance that Choronzon, who we believe is a real entity by the way, might have responded to those numbers. Alas, the Christian community appears spiritually blind to the ways of the spirit world. An article on a web site maintained by the New Covenant Church of God, claims the number three represents "divine perfection," is the number of the Godhead, and represents the Trinity which to them is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This appears to be the reasoning behind the selection of the triple threes as a good time to pray to support the war.
That Christians would join in common prayer around the world to ask divine help in the destruction of over a million innocent men, women and children in ancient Persia is an example of something dark and sinister within that religious institution. It turned into a revival of the Crusades, pitting Christians against the Moslems, which we thought was ended nearly a thousand years ago
Digging even deeper into Christian inspired numerology, we find that adding the three number threes creates nine, which is the Biblical number of judgment. Actually in occult numerology, on the tarot decks, it is the number of the hermit.
Either way, it appears that the war is bringing judgment although the condemnation that is falling back upon the Bush Administration and the United States for the consequences of that unnecessary and unprovoked war. As his presidency came to its end, Mr. Bush, indeed, found himself quite alone in the White House. Nearly all of his top aides were resigning. He was, for all practical purposes, the image of the hermit.
Somehow it strikes me as humorous that Christians would claim for their special prayer meeting the ancient number associated with one of the most dangerous of the demonic spirits. We sense that Choronzon also saw the joke in it.
By James Donahue
When a World Prayer Team network sent out a call for a world moment of Christian prayer in support of President Bush and the planned war against Iraq, I was shocked at the time set for this event. The prayer was set for 3:00 PM on March 3, 2003. The Christians chose to pray at 3-3-03. My surprise was centered on my knowledge of esoteric matters. We recognized the number 333 as an occult symbol for Choronzon, the dreaded demon of chaos.
Also known as Lord of Hallucinations, Choronzon is probably among the most feared of the demonic spirits. It is a spirit of dissolution. Everything it comes into contact with falls into decay. Living beings age and sicken. The demon is said to create confusion of thought and turn people insane. This may help explain why that war turned into such a nightmare for the United States.
A few years ago, my wife and I lived for a while in Springerville, Arizona. We took an apartment that had an address of 333 on our block. We laughed about moving into Choronzon's pit when we took that apartment. Then, when we got our telephone and discovered that the three-digit area code number also was 333, we began to worry.
Springerville turned out to be a frustrating experience in our lives. Before we left that place, we began to think we were really under the influence of Choronzon. I am happy to say, however, that we eventually escaped.
The question then, was why did someone in the Christian hierarchy choose 333 as a time to launch a world prayer event? While I am not a member of that faith, nor do I prescribe to the precepts to which that bunch prayed for. I felt they were foolishly flirting with disaster.
There is a chance that Choronzon, who we believe is a real entity by the way, might have responded to those numbers. Alas, the Christian community appears spiritually blind to the ways of the spirit world. An article on a web site maintained by the New Covenant Church of God, claims the number three represents "divine perfection," is the number of the Godhead, and represents the Trinity which to them is the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. This appears to be the reasoning behind the selection of the triple threes as a good time to pray to support the war.
That Christians would join in common prayer around the world to ask divine help in the destruction of over a million innocent men, women and children in ancient Persia is an example of something dark and sinister within that religious institution. It turned into a revival of the Crusades, pitting Christians against the Moslems, which we thought was ended nearly a thousand years ago
Digging even deeper into Christian inspired numerology, we find that adding the three number threes creates nine, which is the Biblical number of judgment. Actually in occult numerology, on the tarot decks, it is the number of the hermit.
Either way, it appears that the war is bringing judgment although the condemnation that is falling back upon the Bush Administration and the United States for the consequences of that unnecessary and unprovoked war. As his presidency came to its end, Mr. Bush, indeed, found himself quite alone in the White House. Nearly all of his top aides were resigning. He was, for all practical purposes, the image of the hermit.
Somehow it strikes me as humorous that Christians would claim for their special prayer meeting the ancient number associated with one of the most dangerous of the demonic spirits. We sense that Choronzon also saw the joke in it.