Tracking The Doomsayer’s Scary List
By James Donahue
Among the many Internet sites we like to visit in our quest for interesting story ideas has been Godlike Productions where the conspiracy fanatics gather to offer many wild but sometimes interesting ideas. They usually back up their theories with links to various websites by writers and statisticians that sometimes reveal things that have gone unnoticed or were purposefully ignored by the corporate media.
People who participate in the Godlike Productions blog usually always go by an alias so nobody knows who has written what, or just how valid the information might be. A lot of the entries are so extreme they range from religious proclamations to warnings of the end of the world. One particular entry by a person calling himself Jack Sprat recently laid down a list of world events preceded by the simple question: “WTF is going on?”
His list was broken down into two categories, strange and unnatural things happening to our planet and solar system, and unexplained shifts in the behavior of the U. S. Government.
We thought we might dare to re-examine the issues on the Sprat list and attempt to answer his question, if possible. We suspect our research may take us down some dark tunnels that will leave us with even more unanswered questions. Some of the issues have already been raised on this site.
For starters, this weekend we will offer the list and all of the original stories. Watch for updated stories on each issue each Wednesday.
1. Weather
The nation just suffered one of the harshest winters in years. The snow storms that developed were severe, stranding thousands in their homes and leaving millions without power. Normal snowfall in the mountains, which create natural run-off for farm operations in the valleys, did not happen. What can we expect in the looming winters ahead? Similar weather events are occurring all around the world. Temperatures recently hit over 120 degrees in India, a temperature estimated to be more than humans and most living creatures can tolerate. The situation is so critical that some are questioning whether enough food can be produced to feel the people. The water level in lakes and streams has dropped so low that normal barge and river traffic has been hampered. The water has become so warm that fish are dying by the thousands. Vegetable and fruit farms are struggling in the west to get enough water to survive.
2 – More Tornadoes
The Jack Sprat list of world issues declares that there has been an increase in the number of tornadoes as part of the dramatic change in our weather patterns. According to Jesse Ferrell, meteorologist for Accu Weather, Mr. Sprat is quite right. In a report on the Accu Weather web site, 2011 ranked as the fourth most deadly tornado year ever recorded in the United States with nearly 1,700 of these violent storms reported. The 2022 season is getting off to a troublesome start.
3 - Drought
The Jack Sprat list lists drought as its third issue of world concern. And it is no secret that the Western United States is presently suffering a major drought. Crops are dying. Cattle have no feed. The newspapers are comparing it to the great Dust Bowl days of the 1930s.
4 - Volcanism
Some are saying we are simply more aware of the volcanic activity because of the Internet and the fact that all world volcanoes are plotted and recorded daily. Also true is that because of an increase in the world population, more people are today living under the shadow of volcanoes that have remained dormant for hundreds of years. But statistics show that volcanic eruptions appear to indeed be on the increase and in some cases, are more destructive than ever before in history. A report in the National Museum of Natural History notes that as of March 2022, 48 volcanoes were in continuing eruption status. About 20 of them are actively erupting each day.
The Sprat Issue 5 – More Earthquakes?
In terms of fatalities, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was the most destructive event with around 227,898 fatalities, followed by the 2010 Haiti earthquake with 160,000 fatalities, 3005 Kashmir earthquake, 87,351 fatalities and 2008 Sichuan earthquake with 87,587 fatalities. Now we are hearing of earthquake "clusters" occurring along the Mississippi River, the Tennessee Valley, in Los Angeles area, along the East Coast of the United States, and other places where earthquakes do not usually happen. The entire "Rim of Fire" from the Indonesian Island chain north along the Coast of China, Korea, Japan, and then east to Alaska and south along the western Canadian, U.S., Mexican and South American coast experience regular earthquakes. Many of them are severe enough to wreak havoc and kill. So what is going on. Is our friend Jack Sprat in Godlike Productions right when he lists an increase in world earthquakes among his concerns about current world events?
Sprat Issue 6 – Record Crop Devastation
It is no secret by now that the United States and Mexico, parts of South America, Africa, Asia and Europe are being hit with one of the most severe global droughts in known history. While farm crops are wilting in fields for lack of rain, other areas are suffering from record flooding from severe storms and heavy rainfall. Everything is topsy-turvy. The sixth issue on the Jack Sprat list is record crop devastation. And it appears that he is quite right. Agricultural forecasters are not only predicting low crop yields this season, but warning of a spike in food prices because of it.
Sprat Issue 7 – Flooding
The world is no longer experiencing those gentle all-day rains that soak the ground, bring moisture to the plant roots, and help maintain a natural balance in weather patterns. When the rains come now they are coming with flooding rainfall, thunder and high winds. These storms are dumping the water in such quantity and speed they are creating flash floods that sometimes wash away land and homes, wash out bridges, drown people and animals, and cause billions of dollars in damage. The television weather reporters are telling us almost daily of storms that are dumping up to four and six inches of rain in specific areas within less than an hour. Downpours like that were once almost unheard of.
Sprat Issue 8 – Changing Lunar Orbit And Rising Tides
Our Godlike Production friend Jack Sprat has obviously been reading some of the conspiracy theory websites that are suggesting that strange things are occurring in the heavens. One writer said that he has noticed that the moon no longer rises and sets at its normal time and place in the sky. He said he has calculated that the moon is slowing its spin and beginning a fall toward earth. He predicted a collision with earth within months. He says, of course that the government knows about this but was keeping it a secret to prevent widespread panic. Of course that never happened. So why are the tides rising?
Sprat Issue 9 - Killer Solar Flares
A few years ago night radio host Art Bell had frequent interviews with remote viewing instructor Maj. Ed Dames. Dames spoke more than once of getting future visions of a deadly solar flare that he believed would have the capability of killing half of the world’s population. Will a giant sun spot like the one that has been forming and seemingly aimed toward Earth send the killer flare that Dames warned us about? The spot now occurring has grown to three times the size of Earth. As our source for this series, Jack Sprat has listed increased solar flares among his list of concerns, we have taken a look at the new solar activities and see what the experts are saying about the dangers the flares may bring.
Sprat 10 - Ruptured Pipelines
Item number ten on the Jack Sprat list of concerns was "ruptured pipelines." We have heard of a few gas and oil pipeline breaks but until we began researching this issue, we did not realize just how severe this problem has become all over the United States. When we first conducted this study in 2015 there had been 26 major breaks recorded and resulting in destructive and in some cases deadly spills of crude oil natural gas, propane gas, gasoline and even jet fuel. Often explosion and fires occurred, large areas of property and homes were destroyed, towns evacuated, and construction workers killed or injured. The number of breaks since then have grown.
Sprat 11 Asteroid Strikes
Asteroids are larger pieces of space debris that also travel through space, often on strange broad orbits that bring them through our solar system at unexpected times. Some are no larger than a football, while others might be as large as a truck. We have always known about their existence, and found places on Earth where they have struck, leaving great scars on the landscape. But since they were thought to happen with intervals of thousands of years, we haven’t worried about them . . . that is until recently.
Spratt 12 – Pole Shift
Our doomsayer Jack Sprat has listed the magnetic pole shifting of the Earth as issue number 12 on his long list of concerns. And it is true, a lot of people who keep tabs on just where North is on the compass have noticed that true North has been changing a lot. Some say it once shifted almost to the tundra regions of Northern Russia before returning northward again.
Sprat 13 – Changing Solar Activity
The Sun’s storms issued from the dark spots that appear at intervals have been on the increase after an unusually long quiet time. Scientists who study the Sun say there are changes in the way the Sun is behaving and they do not understand why this is happening. It was established by a team of Swiss and German scientists at least a decade ago that the sun is burning hotter than usual. Sami Solanki, director of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, said the team determined that "the sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures.
Sprat Issue 14 - Increase in Cosmic Rays
Among the strange concerns listed by the Godlike Production doomsayer Jack Sprat is item number 14, identified as an increase in cosmic rays colliding with Earth. Cosmic rays are generally described as energetically charged subatomic particles originating from deep space that are zipping through our solar system at great speed. Some of these particles penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere and even walls. Most of these particles are found to be composed of simple protons or hydrogen nuclei. A few are helium nuclei or alpha particles, and a very small fraction of them are composed of heavier elements like lithium, beryllium or boron. So, are there more of them now and are they dangerous?
Sprat Issue 15 – Dying Honeybees
Beekeepers began noticing the disappearance of entire hives of bees in 2005. By the following year the phenomenon had spread across the United States and other parts of the world. By that year nearly one-third of all honeybee colonies in the U.S. had vanished. Researchers worked overtime trying to solve the mystery they were calling Colony Collapse Disorder. Theories ranged from a new virus that attacks just bees, an invasive parasitic mite known to kill the bees and possible pesticide exposure. The U. S. Department of Agriculture spent something like $20 million in research trying to get to the bottom of this growing agricultural disaster. Without the natural pollination process by the honeybees, farmers were in line to lose billions in crop damage and eventually it was going to impact the world’s food supply.
Sprat Issue 16 – Fish Kills
The Sprat concern about the mass fish kills was made incredibly evident to us all in January, 2011, when not only fish came floating up dead from their watery world, but birds were falling by the hundreds from the sky in various parts of the country. The phenomenon has been observed more and more frequently all over the world. The bodies of dead fish and all other forms of sea life are still floating in lakes, rivers and coming ashore along the beaches.
Sprat Issue 17 - Bird Kills
In our research we found it difficult to separate the many events involving hundreds of birds falling dead out of the skies from the fish floating up dead in the waters of the world. That is because a lot of them happened during those same mysterious weeks between December 10, 2010 and January 4, 2011. The death of all the birds and fish appeared to have been caused by an outside force that affected them at the same time all over the world. But like the fish kills the bird falls have continued in large numbers ever since. They just aren’t all doing this at the same time. Nor are they occurring in the same places.
Sprat 18 – New Fault Lines
Things appear to be shaking strangely all over the planet, and in places where earthquakes are rarely, if ever, experienced. And the odd thing is that some recent quakes, while not strong enough to be damaging, are coming in swarms. In Southern California and Yellowstone National Park they recently experienced several days of swarms that succeeded in scaring folks out of their wits. Our eighteenth concern on the Jack Spratt list is "new fault lines awakened in Virginia, Nevada, to name a few."
Sprat Issue - 19 Sinkholes
Big unexplained holes have been opening in the ground everywhere. The Sprat list includes this strange phenomenon which has been making news because the holes that appear are damaging property, putting lives in danger, and in many cases, they remain a mystery. A recent sinkhole disaster has been occurring in Southern Louisiana. It began as an estimated 200 by 200-foot wide hole in the ground that swallowed cypress trees and open swampland near Bayou Come and Grand Bayou. Authorities last reported it to be expanding to nearly 500 feet in width and nearly that deep. It is filled with salt water and traces of diesel fuel and they worry that it is dangerously close from a cavern filled with butane. The National Guard was called to guard the area when Tropical Storm Isaac swept through the area.
Sprat Issue 20 - Mystery Cracks In The Earth
Our Godlike Productions soothsayer Jack Sprat lists tears in the earth among his list of concerns. Fractures in the ground often occur during earthquakes so they happen frequently and their origin is not a mystery in most cases. But sometimes they just appear, and when the crack occurs in a populated area, the results can be troublesome.
Sprat Issue 21 - Geysers
Jack Sprat worries about what he calls "new" geysers that he believes are appearing all over the world. While we have found reports of a few new geysers of water, steam, mud and even sand, there also are reports that old geysers that have long been dormant are springing back to life.
Sprat Issue 22 Mystery Trumpet Sounds
"And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets." Rev. 8:1-2
The story of the seven trumpets is an ancient warning in the Book of the Revelation that the sound of the angels blowing those seven trumpets will signal the apocalyptic end of the church age and the beginning of a new era of peace and harmony on Earth. But it does not come without severity and pain as humanity is forced into a period of judgment and separation. One of Jack Sprat’s list of concerns is that there has been a growing number of reports of unexplained trumpet sounds from all over the world. Can there be some truth in that ancient prophetic warning? Are the angels really blowing those seven trumpets as a warning of things to come?
Sprat Issue 23 – The Smell of Sulfur
Another Christian-based fear issue has been the threat of damnation and eternity in Hell, a place where the smell of sulfur permeates the senses. And our Godlike Production doomsayer Jack Sprat lists strange smells of sulfur in the air among his long list of 57 concerns. Is it happening? Are people getting whiffs of the stench of sulfur, or perhaps that odor of someone striking a match, or breaking open a rotten egg, with any degree of frequency?
Sprat Issue 24 - Storms On Jupiter
Perhaps it was the Galileo spacecraft that we sent to study Jupiter close-up in 1989, or the Cassini spacecraft that followed a decade later, or perhaps it has been our ability to use the Hubble telescope to study that gas giant with greater scrutiny. Whatever the reason, astronomers have a sense that the giant storms that ravage that planet’s swirling surface are occurring with more and more frequency. Maybe it is because we are looking that we notice so much activity. Whatever the reason, our friend Jack Sprat lists the increasing number of storms on Jupiter among his list of 57 issues of concern. Does he have just cause?
Sprat Issue 25 – Changes On Saturn
With his eye still trained on the solar system, our doomsayer Jack Sprat adds reports of changes occurring on the Planet Saturn to his list of issues of concern. Thus we take another journey into the world of astrology and space. And lo . . . we find that Mr. Sprat has hit upon another point of interest, at least in the scientific world.
Sprat Question: What are the Governments of the world doing?
Sprat Issue 26 Government Food Stockpiles
Jack Sprat’s issue number 26 moves us into the area of alleged government conspiracy. In this complaint he points us to a growing number of reports of government stockpiling of surplus food. As writer Ethan Huff suggests in a story that appeared on the Natural News website back in August, 2012, that the U. S. Department of Agriculture is "snatching up" millions of dollars in pork, chicken, lamb and fish products to be stocked and frozen for storage as food surplus. Due to Global Warming is this the right thing to be doing?
Sprat Issue 27 - Government Stockpile Of Medicine
The worry that the U. S. Government is stockpiling large amounts of vaccines and other medical supplies and contributing to a shortage of important drugs is included on the Sprat list, but is his concern justified? It has been no secret that agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services have constantly maintained a stockpile of medicines and supplies for distribution in the event of natural disasters, epidemics, and terrorist attacks like 9-11. The Strategic National Stockpile includes everything from antibiotics to human plasma.
Sprat Issue 28 – Underground Bunkers and Tunnels
Jack Sprat’s next concern opens a possible can-of-worms for not only Americans, but perhaps people in many other parts of the world. He cites reports that world governments have been busy digging underground bunkers and elaborate tunnel systems in preparation for some undetermined future event. Can this be true, what evidence exists, and for what event are world leaders planning?
Sprat Issue 29 - Trillions of Missing Tax Dollars
Jack Sprat lists as his twenty-ninth concern reports of trillions of dollars missing from the Pentagon and Federal Reserve. Indeed, there have been constant reports of missing money, sometimes totaling billions of dollars. But just how much money has gone suspiciously missing from these and other high government agencies? What we learned will shock you.
Sprat Issue 30 – Military Detentions
The writer identifying himself as Jack Sprat lists a problem of changes in police and military detention techniques among his list of 57 concerns. And it is true that since former President George W. Bush and his gang declared the government’s invisible war against anybody suspected of possible "terrorist" activities, lawmakers have given both agencies unprecedented powers of detention that clearly violate our Constitutional Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, the situation has not changed much under the next and current administrations.
Sprat Issues 31-33: What's Under Denver Airport?
It is almost impossible to separate Jack Sprat’s issues 31 through 33 because they all are connected to the same thing, the strange story of a secret subterranean military facility constructed under the newly completed international airport at Denver, Colorado. Mr. Sprat lists as issue 31 that the Central Intelligence Agency has moved its headquarters to Denver. Item 32 addresses the giant underground facility allegedly constructed under the airport. And issue 33 includes a massive underground water treatment and purification center also built to serve whatever exists under that airport.
Sprat Issue 34 - EPA Library System Threatened
The Environmental Protection Agency, created in 1970 as a national watchdog over the dumping of industrial, commercial and private contaminants in the land, air and waters of the nation, maintained a nationwide network of 27 libraries that contained critical scientific information on human health and environmental protection. There was a plan in the works to shut down what has become a vital database for EPA scientists, researchers and the general public to find accurate, up-to-date scientific information to help make the best scientific determinations concerning the health effects of toxic substances, records of environmental change over time, impacts on specific regions or communities and a variety of other issues.
Sprat Issue 35 - Global Seed Bank
Something interesting is happening all over the world. As corporations like Monsanto work to genetically modify the crop seeds our farmers use and cross pollination is causing a mass destruction of the natural seed stock and even the weeds, environmental groups are busy gathering and storing pure seed for the future. There is a concern that human survival may someday depend upon these seed banks. At last count there were more than 1,000 "seed banks" established throughout the world. Among the most known is the Svalbard International Seed Vault, also known as the Doomsday Vault, established deep in the side of a frozen arctic mountain in Longyearbyen, Norway, in 2008.
Sprat Issue 36 - Bush Property In Paraguay
There were persistent reports that the Bush family purchased nearly 300,000 acres of land in Paraguay, South America, and secretly built and equipped a costly underground bunker there. Did these two former U. S. presidents know something about looming future events that were secrets to the rest of us? A report in Counterpunch stated that the Bush family bought 98,840 acres at Chaco, Paraguay, near the borders of Bolivia and Brazil, and that the purchase caused concern in all three governments.
Sprat Issue 37 - US Troops Can Be Turned Against Americans
A lot of people may not yet know this, but the laws prohibiting the government to turn the U. S. military against American citizens have been erased from the books. The Congress and former President George W. Bush slipped this treasonous act under the radar in 2006 with the passage of Bill H.R. 5122, known as the John Warner Defense Appropriations Act. This piece of legislation eliminates the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act that prohibited the use of the military against U.S. citizens. It gives the President the power to order Federal and State National Guard Troops to control the populous.
Sprat Issue 38 – Crumbling Dams
In his list of concerns, Jack Sprat maintains that more than 1,688 dams across America are in need of repair. Research shows that Mr. Sprat is correct. There are an estimated 80,000 dams in existence with more than 2,000 of them near population centers in need of repair according to the Association of State Dam Safety. The problem is intensifying with each passing year. While some of the most critical dams have been marked for repair, the problem is part of a nation-wide disintegration of a total infrastructure that is being all but ignored by the Republican-led Washington legislators who are hell-bent to block efforts to direct federal dollars for infrastructure repair.
Sprat Issue 39 –The Failing Infrastructure
There is a growing concern about the screaming need to repair and rebuild the nation’s aging and outdated roads, bridges, water and sewer systems, gas distribution lines and electric grid, but the voices are coming from outside the houses of Congress and Senate. The current majority of elected legislators, head-bent on slashing federal spending and cutting income taxes while maintaining a world-powerful military, clearly do not have their eyes on the important problems about to explode in their faces on the home front.
Sprat Issue 40 - South Pole Infrared Telescope
A massive $19.2 million telescope array has gone into operation in Antarctica and the rumor mill has it that the system's purpose it to track the approach of Planet X, or Nibiru, a mythological twelfth planet in our solar system that flies by Earth every 2,000 years, or so. One report said the system, mostly financed by the National Science Foundation with help from the Kavli Foundation of Oxnard, California and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation of San Francisco, is the size of a mini-mall. The telescope itself required a C-130 aircraft to transport pre-assembled modules and other parts to the site.
Sprat Issue 41 - President Grants Himself Unprecedented Powers
While he was still in office, former President George W. Bush created and signed the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 51. This directive, which has never been challenged by Congress, grants the president unprecedented powers in the event of a "catastrophic emergency." The directive, known as NSPD 51, remains on the books. Presidents Obama and Trump never acted to remove it. The directive declares that when the president considers an emergency to have occurred, he will assume the authority to coordinate an "enduring constitutional government" which will be "a cooperate effort among the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the Federal Government." It states that in the event of such an emergency, all branches will cooperate with the president "as a matter of comity in order to protect the Constitution."
Sprat Issue 42 – Closed Vatican Library
Among the concerns listed by Jack Sprat is the story that the Vatican closed and evacuated its 500-year-old library believed to hold a collection of rare and valuable books, perhaps the only ones of their kind in existence. The suggested reason for the closure, which has been flying around the Internet, was that the library was in danger of being flooded because of a calculated 60-meter rise in the sea level caused by melting arctic ice. That was untrue, however. We are happy to report that the Vatican library is now reopened after a three-year shutdown to accommodate a $7.5 euro renovation that began in 2007.
Sprat Issue 43 – The Looming Apocalypse
People all over the world had knowledge of the ominous Mayan Calendar that came to an abrupt end on December 21, 2012. Because of the growing number of world calamities and the religious beliefs in a looming "end of days," many doomsday prognosticators were pointing to that calendar and saying the Mayans magically knew the time and exact date of the end of the world as we know it.
The Sprat Issue 44 – Troops Deployed On US Soil
Jack Sprat lists his concern about 6,000 troops from the Army's Third Infantry that were deployed on United States soil to assist local police departments in anti-terrorism issues. We suspect that the number has grown to something like 20,000 uniformed troops. The military will not disclose current figures but reports online suggest the current numbers have grown to over a million armed troops operating throughout the US, including Alaska and Hawaii.
Sprat Issue 45 – Space Rocks Classified Top Secret
A recent policy by the U. S. Military classifies observations by government spacecraft of incoming fireballs, meteorites and asteroids from space as top secret. This is an unexpected change in policy since NASA began launching satellites to study the incoming objects that crash through Earth's atmosphere, sometimes lighting up the sky as they burn. Some of the larger space rocks are big enough that they are not completely destroyed and they hit the ground. When found, they have been considered a byproduct data bonanza for scientists. Under the new military policy, all space rocks found on U. S. soil are now classified.
Sprat Issue 46 - Magnetic Earth Changes
Researchers are reporting in various science journals that something important has been occurring deep in the bowels of the Earth in recent years and causing magnetic changes. Nils Olsen, a geophysicist at the Danish National Space Center in Copenhagen co-authored a report that the magnetic field is weakening. The study published in Nature Geoscience, suggests that rapid changes in the churning movement at the outer edge of the planet's liquid core may be triggering a reversal or flip of the Earth's geomagnetic field.
Sprat Issue 47 - We Call It Climate Change Now
Most of us have noticed and our questioner Jack Sprat has called attention to the fact that the media has stopped using the phrase "global warming" and is now calling it "climate change." Is this significant? We turned to the "Ask" website to see what people have to say about this public shift in wordage. One answer was that "global warming and climate change relate to each other." They are "exactly the same thing." Another person wrote that the media appears to have been responsible for the shift in verbiage even though "within scientific communities they have always been two separate things.
Sprat Issue 48: Quakes at Yellowstone National Park
Visitors to Yellowstone National Park might never guess that they are walking on top of the largest known volcano in the world. They come to the park to enjoy the many unusual features that include geysers that include the famed Old Faithful, many hot pools of mud and water, great trout fishing in the Yellowstone River, the wildlife and dramatic mountain views. Our doomsayer Jack Sprat, however, includes among his list of concerns the fact that Yellowstone has been hit with swarms of thousands of mini earthquakes since 1995 and one magnitude 7.3 quake on August 17, 1959 that killed 28 people and caused more than $11 million in damage. And they have been going on to this day.
Sprat Issue 49 - Barium Chemtrails In The Sky
We have all seen them. On any clear day the sky far above our heads is usually always cluttered with long thin streaks that look like clouds except they appear in patterns. They hang in straight lines and frequently criss-cross. Over time they spread out, creating artificial cloud cover. It is obvious that what we are seeing is some different kind of vapor emitted from jet aircraft.
Sprat Issue 50 - Constant Media Blitz Of News Minutiae
As a retired newspaper reporter I can personally relate to Mr. Sprat’s complaint number 50. He worries that the constant media blitz filled with what he calls "news minutiae" is designed to keep people occupied and looking the other way. Someone wants us ignoring the important things that affects our lives and the corporate pocketbook.
Sprat Issue 51 - End-Time Media Shows
The world-wide religious belief of a pending apocalyptic scenario that orchestrates an end of the world as we know it, and the publicity surrounding the ancient carved Mayan calendar that stops abruptly on December 21, 2012, appears to have stirred much interest in the possibility that some major event was about to happen. It wasn’t on that date but perhaps sometime very soon afterward. The apocalyptic and world-ending themes have consequently been popping up in our nightly television programming as well as the film industry in recent years.
Sprat Issue 52 – Media Blackout On Meteor Danger
Because of advanced telescope technology and a keen citizen interest in watching the stars, the passing of comets, meteors and asteroids has been watched with great interest by people all over the world. In the news was Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 which broke into pieces and collided with Jupiter in July 1994. This event made us more aware of the possibility that comets or asteroids are constantly flying around in space and that they occasionally strike planets and moons, including the Earth. Sky watchers . . . many of the amateur enthusiasts . . . have been busy ever since searching for and cataloging incoming object that have the potential of striking Earth. Television documentaries have pointed out evidence where large asteroids have actually struck Earth in the distant past, causing massive destruction and possibly even the extinction of life.
Sprat Issue 53 – Google Blocks Mapped Area Of Space
This issue raised by Mr. Sprat appears linked to Issue 52, the belief that a twelfth planet has entered our solar system and may be on a collision course with Earth. And of course, Google seems to be in league with NASA and the government to withhold this information from the general public and avoid panic in the streets.
Sprat Issue 54 FEMA Camps
Stories have been appearing on various creditable and some questionable websites warning of the construction and hiring of staff to man what many identify as "FEMA camps" or containment areas designed to hold large numbers of people. These camps, according to reports, have either been constructed or are under construction in designated areas throughout the United States. Is this true? And if so, what is the purpose? The image of Nazi concentration camps and similar camps constructed in the U.S. to contain Japanese citizens during the World War II come to mind as we examine the data outlined in these reports.
Sprat Issue 55 – Mass Coffin Storage In Georgia
There existed in a field near Madison, Georgia, stacks of large plastic boxes and lids that many believe are the perfect size to serve as human coffins. Video footage showing these boxes can be easily found on U-Tube and other web sites. And from this has emerged yet another in a growing number of American conspiracy theories.
Sprat Issue 56 – Propping Of Stock Exchange
Stock markets are operating all over the world. And they are all linked in that they involve the buying and selling of stock shares of big and small business corporations. These corporations operate largely because of the investments by people who literally own portions of the business. Thus playing in the stock market has evolved over the years into a rich man’s sport. Our friend Jack Sprat lists the "propping up of the stock market at any cost, and any expense," as number 56 on his list of concerns. And he is quite right. Government officials in the United States have gone to incredible lengths over the years to keep the New York Stock Exchange open and running sometimes at great cost.
Sprat 57 - Assault On Constitutional Rights
The 9-11 events launched a series of actions that stripped Americans of many of their constitutional rights under the guise of protecting people from additional terrorist attacks. While former President George W. Bush and his military advisers blamed Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda Islamic extremist organization for the attack, conspiracy theorists say there are a lot of reasons why they believe it was really a planned and "inside" attack designed to help tear the guts out of the Bill of Rights and put Americans under the thumb of government suppression.
Books could be and probably have been written on many of these topics. The world is in transition. The changes are coming at us so fast it is almost impossible for journalists to keep up with them all.