Is Aerial Radiation Killing Us All?
By James Donahue
The good news: it appears that the insects and some animals are adapting to the high radiation assaults from the Chernobyl and Fukushima meltdowns in the Ukraine and Japan. The bad news is that the aerial high radiation assault from these and other sources may be having a deadly long-range impact on humanity all over the world.
Bob Nichols' “Radiation This Week” June 11 report noted that unusually high radiation counts are being recorded at Colorado Springs, Colorado; Raleigh, North Carolina, Little Rock, Arkansas and Portland, Maine. Nichols said the radiation counters in these cities are clocking constant and non-stop readings at well over 1,000 counts per minute. A normal reading should be between 5 to 20 counts.
Another area that is getting hit hard is Navajo Lake, New Mexico, where the readings were over 1,000 counts for 70 hours during that week.
Other places where readings hit over 1,000 CPM but for shorter periods of time included San Diego, Spokane, Kansas City, Harrisburg, Pa.; Louisville, Ky; Idaho Falls, ID; Billings, MT; Tucson and Phoenix, AZ; Denver, CO; Worcester, MA and Champagne, IL.
What is troublesome, Nichols said, is that more and more government radiation reading instruments are reported as “malfunctioning” and some are dropping out of service completely. He wrote that the Rad station in Portland, Maine, which had a final reading of 1,262 counts per minute, has just been shut down and removed from service.
Nichols, a retired military ammunition plant worker, apparently does not know where all of this radiation is coming from, except to say that every nuclear electric generating plant must release a build-up of toxic pressure for a short time every day when they are operating. This release is filled with a variety of radioactive isotopes.
He wrote that there are 1,946 different isotopes released from every nuclear explosion and every reactor “release” that occurs. He says there are presently 438 nuclear reactors operating at world power plants. There are 104 of them in the United States.
He said he believes the largest sources of radiation is coming from the Fukushima disaster in Japan, some kind of unexplained nuclear disaster that appears to have occurred somewhere in the European Union, since it is affecting radiation instruments all along the U.S. East Coast, and 438 operating nuclear reactors producing electricity throughout the world.
Nichols also suggests that the big forest fire still raging across Alberta and parts of Saskatchewan, Canada, may also be producing radiation from some of the many businesses and buildings destroyed.
We looked for origins of leaks that might be spewing radiation into the skies over the four threatened cities on Nichols’ list. We found that Raleigh and Little Rock have old operating nuke power plants in their back yards. Portland, Maine is 40 miles away from an old nuke plant that has been shut down for about 20 years but the city is on the East Coast and may be affected by whatever has been going on in Europe. And there is a very secretive military base under a mountain at Colorado Springs that may be the source of the troubles there.
Nichols warns that some of this radiation accumulates for hundreds of years before it begins to slowly dissipate. And the more of it we dump into our environment, the more toxic the world around us becomes.
If he is right, the skies over the entire nation appear to be laced with more deadly radiation than we should be exposed to. If we add this daily assault to the radiation many of us face in hospital and dental facilities, from our color televisions, microwave ovens, smoke detectors, computers and I-pads, we are being bombarded.
Because our military, with the use of HAARP and other devices, has damaged the ozone layer in the Earth's protective stratosphere, so we receive more solar radiation now than ever before.
It is small wonder that cancer rates are soaring as are other diseases that indicate a general breakdown of human body tissues. Nichols suggests in his latest article that it may also be the cause of the mass kill-off of the bees, some species of birds, butterflies and sea creatures throughout the world.
We may be sending the human race into extinction with all of this insanity, but the fact that some creatures are adapting to the heavy radiation in the Ukraine is a sign of hope. It seems apparent that the Mother Earth is fighting back. After we are gone, life will evolve once again on the planet. It will just be very different than it is today.
By James Donahue
The good news: it appears that the insects and some animals are adapting to the high radiation assaults from the Chernobyl and Fukushima meltdowns in the Ukraine and Japan. The bad news is that the aerial high radiation assault from these and other sources may be having a deadly long-range impact on humanity all over the world.
Bob Nichols' “Radiation This Week” June 11 report noted that unusually high radiation counts are being recorded at Colorado Springs, Colorado; Raleigh, North Carolina, Little Rock, Arkansas and Portland, Maine. Nichols said the radiation counters in these cities are clocking constant and non-stop readings at well over 1,000 counts per minute. A normal reading should be between 5 to 20 counts.
Another area that is getting hit hard is Navajo Lake, New Mexico, where the readings were over 1,000 counts for 70 hours during that week.
Other places where readings hit over 1,000 CPM but for shorter periods of time included San Diego, Spokane, Kansas City, Harrisburg, Pa.; Louisville, Ky; Idaho Falls, ID; Billings, MT; Tucson and Phoenix, AZ; Denver, CO; Worcester, MA and Champagne, IL.
What is troublesome, Nichols said, is that more and more government radiation reading instruments are reported as “malfunctioning” and some are dropping out of service completely. He wrote that the Rad station in Portland, Maine, which had a final reading of 1,262 counts per minute, has just been shut down and removed from service.
Nichols, a retired military ammunition plant worker, apparently does not know where all of this radiation is coming from, except to say that every nuclear electric generating plant must release a build-up of toxic pressure for a short time every day when they are operating. This release is filled with a variety of radioactive isotopes.
He wrote that there are 1,946 different isotopes released from every nuclear explosion and every reactor “release” that occurs. He says there are presently 438 nuclear reactors operating at world power plants. There are 104 of them in the United States.
He said he believes the largest sources of radiation is coming from the Fukushima disaster in Japan, some kind of unexplained nuclear disaster that appears to have occurred somewhere in the European Union, since it is affecting radiation instruments all along the U.S. East Coast, and 438 operating nuclear reactors producing electricity throughout the world.
Nichols also suggests that the big forest fire still raging across Alberta and parts of Saskatchewan, Canada, may also be producing radiation from some of the many businesses and buildings destroyed.
We looked for origins of leaks that might be spewing radiation into the skies over the four threatened cities on Nichols’ list. We found that Raleigh and Little Rock have old operating nuke power plants in their back yards. Portland, Maine is 40 miles away from an old nuke plant that has been shut down for about 20 years but the city is on the East Coast and may be affected by whatever has been going on in Europe. And there is a very secretive military base under a mountain at Colorado Springs that may be the source of the troubles there.
Nichols warns that some of this radiation accumulates for hundreds of years before it begins to slowly dissipate. And the more of it we dump into our environment, the more toxic the world around us becomes.
If he is right, the skies over the entire nation appear to be laced with more deadly radiation than we should be exposed to. If we add this daily assault to the radiation many of us face in hospital and dental facilities, from our color televisions, microwave ovens, smoke detectors, computers and I-pads, we are being bombarded.
Because our military, with the use of HAARP and other devices, has damaged the ozone layer in the Earth's protective stratosphere, so we receive more solar radiation now than ever before.
It is small wonder that cancer rates are soaring as are other diseases that indicate a general breakdown of human body tissues. Nichols suggests in his latest article that it may also be the cause of the mass kill-off of the bees, some species of birds, butterflies and sea creatures throughout the world.
We may be sending the human race into extinction with all of this insanity, but the fact that some creatures are adapting to the heavy radiation in the Ukraine is a sign of hope. It seems apparent that the Mother Earth is fighting back. After we are gone, life will evolve once again on the planet. It will just be very different than it is today.